Welcome to Progressives!
We are a group of professionals whose main objective is to solve marketing needs or problems based on data, as our motto says. Because it is important? Because these tell you the reality of your company, hard and strong data but that will help us create strategies that have the potential to give you results in positioning, traffic or conversion.
In addition, one of the benefits of using the Data is that it helps us identify the profile and behavior of the user who is interacting with our content; With that information we can optimize campaigns and reduce costs.
When integrating a Progressive Strategy we take several specific aspects to reach your potential client. We base ourselves on the current digital situation of the company, to create a personalized route and focus on the result.

This is how the effect is defined Progresivos:

We optimally configure your social networks.

Campaigns scheduled with constant optimization.

We automate actions that facilitate a better flow of digital prospecting.

We integrate automated messaging in social networks.