Real Estate Services
Real Estate Services
We seek to enter the niche of the real estate sector hand in hand with CEBRIC, a niche provider, to offer a series of professional audiovisual solutions with high-quality production and post-production.
These solutions are offered in service packages with specific periods for the client to take advantage of in order to promptly cover their audiovisual needs.
For this, the service consists of a number of sessions that the client has a certain time to use, they must be scheduled with a minimum of 72 hours in advance and contemplating the availability of the service at the time.

Each package includes at least one present:
- Voucher for $2,520 pesos in services to choose from.
- Logo animation.
- Discount of $10,000 pesos in the acquisition of CEBRIC's whitelabel real estate platform.
- Annual membership. Discounts from 50% to 76% on any of the packages.