Social media
Social media
Advertising on social networks and Google is the most common and, at the same time, what can generate greater profitability and versatility by creating campaigns that are aimed at the correct audience, segmenting according to their needs. One of the main questions is to know which network is the best and this can only be answered by giving the answers to these questions:
- What goals do you have?
- What is your ideal audience?
- What kind of segmentation is needed?
- What type of response or interaction do you want to achieve with your prospects?

There are many platforms, knowing what will give you the best results, only with research, customization options and a good Copy along with the design.
The success in advertising on social networks and Google does not have to do so much with the amount of budget you invest, which of course is important, but even more is the following:
- Be clear about the objective (grounded, specific and measurable).
- The value proposition is the one with which we are going to benefit our audience with our advertising: why should they consume or buy our product or service? What needs or desires am I covering? What fears or problems am I trying to solve for them?
- Defining the Buyer Persona is fundamental in the advertising strategy, there is nothing more wrong than thinking that our product or service can serve, function or benefit all people, the entire city or country. The only thing that you will achieve if you want to cover the entire market, without making clear and specific segmentations, is that you will not be relevant to that Buyer Persona who may have consumed or bought from your company.

Returning to the point of advertising investment, it is essential that you know that it is inevitable that it will constantly vary according to the bids, the market competition, the target audience, the quality of the Ad, the location and even; the season of the year or taxes. So define as best as possible what your budget limit is so as not to spend more than expected and to be able to make changes or adjustments if necessary.

10 very important facts What to consider for a successful Ad:

There are no magic formulas.

Segment your audience.

Carry out planning with different strategies to observe what works or not.

If your budget allows it, do A/B Testing.

The web page or landing page is working correctly.

Run the campaigns for at least a month to better see the results obtained.

A good and original Copy + photo or video design.

Use pixel.

Analyze results (metrics) and optimize; make the necessary modifications.